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Old 03-02-2015, 03:08 PM
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Originally Posted by bwana View Post
There was a research paper published about two years ago (from a university in Italy) regarding sensor technology that hinted that microchip technology had advanced to the state where it was feasible to have each photosite on a bare sensor determine the frequency/energy of the light being captured and output a color value & luminosity directly without the necessity of bayer filters or a lot of the current nonsense associated with capturing a color image...

Sounds a bit far fetched but when you think about it, it is probably quite doable if one can reduce what is essentially a spectrograph to the size of a photosite on a sensor.

I for one would love to test this sensor!

Wow, imagine that!

Sony has patented a sensor where the colour filter array moves with each shot creating the RGB for each pixel.

Rumour is they are also working on a sensor similar to the Foveon sensor which differentiates between RGB by the depth in the silicone the signal reaches. RGB are read at different depths in the silicone. The problem is Foveon sensors whilst incredibly high res are very poor at higher ISOs.

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