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Old 26-08-2014, 07:54 AM
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gregbradley is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
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I set my camera to a 2 minute or longer exposure so the shutter opens then blow it with a hurricane blower than wipe it with a camera lens microfibre cloth a few times. Then maybe a final blow with the blower to clean off anything residual. Then check with a new flat exposure then repeat if needed.

You can also clean the glass with Bintel lens cleaning solution, that works well. Use unscented white tissues and change them often.

That should clean it up nicely.

Same with filters. Then dust donuts tend to disappear and you are not depending on flats to remove them.

Cleanliness is far superior to relying on flats which if anything is slightly off start to not remove dust donuts. Or if you move the camera slightly etc etc.

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