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Old 09-08-2014, 10:29 AM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

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Originally Posted by Shiraz View Post

The method is designed to provide a single goal ADU value that you can use to set sub exposure length. If you use it, the read noise contribution in the final image will be less than than 5% of the total noise (ie you bury the read noise under the shot noise). ..
Yes, I get that you are simply looking for a sky limited exposure time. I was simply pondering, given read noise is random, it's effects disappear with more and more read-ups, or more and more subs, with say, everything else being equal.

P.s. "Correct" was a bad choice of words, I was more concerned about how multiple read ups also improve S/N even though one might be exposing for less than a sky limited time.

Last edited by Peter Ward; 09-08-2014 at 10:52 AM.
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