Thread: Frustrating!
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Old 26-04-2006, 08:25 AM
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iceman (Mike)
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Location: Gosford, NSW, Australia
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Went to Milsons Pt this morning before work, to get some harbour bridge/opera house/city night and dawn shots.. got there about 5am.

Snapping away, thinking these look pretty good.

Got to about 6:15am, 50 photos later, and then it hits me.. I've been snapping away at ISO 1600 - I forgot to set it back after doing the backyard DSO's the other night

Soooo frustrating!

Going through them this morning in Raw Shooter Essentials and they're very grainy of course I might be able to salvage a couple but I expect most of them will be wasted

ah well, all a learning process I suppose.. need a mental checklist before I press the shutter each time..

ISO, focus, aperture, shutter, white balance, click!
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