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Old 27-01-2014, 12:14 AM
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gregbradley is offline
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I have had it happen where the guide corrections start to oscillate - ging +ve then -ve and it appeared to be correcting its last correction.

What it boiled down to (apart from probably a slight amount of backlash) was the scope was too well balanced. I adjusted the balance slightly so the weight made the scope tip slightly to the east to load up the gears more.

It then stopped. I think also the cam adjusmtent with the threaded tension rods probably need a bit of tweaking as you may have them a bit loose or they go loose over time. This 3 way switch, cam, threaded rod system of the PMX is one of the weak spots of the mount design and I think they may go a bit loose over time and may need tightening occassionally.

Anyway its worth a try in case its something else.

I use from 1 to 6 second guide exposures. If its windy I go 1 sec. If its still I go around 5 seconds with aggressiveness set to around 5-7.

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