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Old 12-01-2014, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by RobF View Post
The desiccant barrel has the same thread as the screws and actually replaces one of them. it screws on to the outside of the camera and is about 5cm long (bit less than depth of camera). I leave mine installed all the time - no problem as you're always being gentle on the camera anyway.

The strips you describe sound like what I've purchased off Theo before. I'm not sure if they're adhesive. Believe theo sometimes attaches adhesive desiccant inside the camera himself in strategic locations. Would have to peel off, clean adhesive then reattach new if going that route.

If you don't like opening the camera, might be worth getting a metal plug unit off theo and looking at argon purging for 6 months to annual maintenance.

Thanks Rob,
The barrel is attached on the outside of the camera?
OK - just looked - I do have a barrel & 2 little plugs inside a plastic packet.

So I need to unscrew one of the screws & attach that barrel to the outside of the camera?
The barrel could be easily broken off couldn't it?

To be safe -
I'd really need to open the camera & replace the plastic strips that Theo has probably put inside it?

Wow - If only a simple picture had been provided.
This is nothing like what I imagined.

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