Thread: 16" lightbridge
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Old 14-11-2013, 10:16 PM
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1/12 wave surface error is nothing to get excited about. Don't confuse that with p/v wave error. There would not be a premium mirror maker still in business who makes mirrors to 1/12 wave surface error. But that's only part of the story. Mass produced mirrors are renowned for turn down edges and various other faults that you mostly don't see in premium mirrors. Plus, BK7 is cheap and not as suitable for telescope mirrors as other glass.

You keep bringing up planetary viewing, so I sense that is important to you. The best way to observe planets is with premium optics, which allows you to detect contrast in the surface detail. A 12" mirror made by Mark (Satchmo) or most other premium mirror makers will reveal more detail than a 16" mass produced one. Plus you will have the bonus of a smaller, and more manageable telescope.

Most everyone here are steering you toward the 12" and for good reason.
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