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Old 22-08-2013, 07:41 PM
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h0ughy (David)

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Originally Posted by Paul Haese View Post
You get what you pay for David. I have been using QSI gear for as long as they have been released. Great camera's low noise. Not as good as say the more expensive cameras, but solid and dependable. I don't know about the other camera, but you have seen my images taken with it. The extra filters in the 8 filter wheel is great.

QSI all the way.
Paul, I am very aware of that but there must be some happy medium somewhere. While the QSI looks, sounds and probably feels intoxicating to own my budget may not go that far. the other thing is getting the time to use it. I bought a qhy10 and had it for nearly 3 years - it was still new in the box when I sold it (yeah I am stupid)

now looking into it there are the Atik range of cameras as well - and I suppose there are pro's and cons for them as well. then there is FLI and Apogee....

I would really like to find something that I can directly compare the whole range I am looking at, spread sheet, and images of the same object through a variety of scopes and then have the service reliability and value for money rating. be like buying a fridge or washing machine
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