View Full Version here: : While trawling the vault: Comet Lulin from Feb last year

12-06-2011, 08:01 AM
Its amazing the stuff that can be found while doing a bit of a cleanout and slideshow while setting up a new laptop. I found this previously unprocessed Comet Lulin from 28/2/10. I don't have details unfortunately except that it was taken with a modded 20D and ED80 I would imagine. Once I get the canon software loaded on this machine I'll know a bit more about it.

I think I processed this using Images Plus so that I could align on the comet's head, I must have had icnr on as well :shrug: to get the gaps, but they arent as long as the star trails. :shrug: Anyway I hope you like it, it looks a bit 'different' to me with the gaps.

12-06-2011, 08:52 AM
Ah, memories ... nice one Paul, I am a comet lover. :D :thumbsup:
Hoping we will have a nice little one later in the year .... when I am in Spain. ;) Alas not taking my Canon/lenses over there. :sadeyes:

12-06-2011, 09:15 AM
You are always full of suprises Paul - dont mind that at all. you must have a heap of unprocessed data. BTW whats the new lappy?

12-06-2011, 09:33 AM
You and me both Liz, love a good comet sighting. We'll keep our fingers crossed for another big one soon.

Thanks Dave. Its only had levels and curves and I didn't try too hard to get the red out of the tail. I quite like it like that. When I look at the histograms the colour comparison isn't too bad so I wonder if the red is actually there.

As to what I have unprocessed. :shrug: I'm sure there's a couple there for a rainy night if I need some

ps: Lappy is a Delld Inspiron. Meh Its ok, damn dust collector though.