View Full Version here: : Anyone watching the Bolt Report??

29-05-2011, 04:47 PM
:rofl:...what a joke, I seriously can't believe this guy has actually been given his own show on mainsteam TV :eyepop:...it's like an infommercial or watching a cable TV show from the southern United States on debunking Evolution :screwy:...I shake my head

Sad day really...we now have a nasty TV jock to fowl the air too.


29-05-2011, 04:52 PM
Don't like opposition? I'm pretty sure this forum is not the place for politics. You've blatantly made it one. Not everyone thinks the way you do Mike.

Lock this thread now Mods.... please - this is a good try, but no cigar.

29-05-2011, 04:57 PM
Happy with opposition Chris but not from a nobody with no credentials and in a pathetic show format like that :thumbsup:

Did you watch it?


29-05-2011, 05:01 PM
I did. I like the format and presentation. I didn't find it abusive or nasty in any ways. He gets the facts across. No more no less... and exposes the government of clowns we have now too. :)

29-05-2011, 05:18 PM
Nothing else needs saying really. Anything on 'mainstream TV' is bound to be rubbish, it's intended for the rubbish loving 'average person' that is general population of Australia. If you don't want to have your intelligence insulted, don't turn on the TV!


29-05-2011, 05:19 PM
He is hardly a nobody with no credentials, and with political background on both sides of the fence, having worked for the Hawke Labour Government and lately being a promiment Liberal party supported.

29-05-2011, 05:20 PM
Before the thread is locked, let me categorically agree with with you mike :D

The bit at the end of today's episode where he opens a coke can to show how harmless CO2 is was inspired idiocy :screwy: Lets home this rubbish dies a quick death.

29-05-2011, 05:23 PM
So far there has been no mention of politics, keep the discussion polite and the thread should be OK.

As far as the afformentioned Gents suitability as a presenter, I feel more than a little uncomfortable that someone with IMO a "knee jerk opinion" mentality is given space to air his thoughts.

29-05-2011, 05:28 PM
There's no tip-toeing around the fact that some of us here have first-person connections with the current government, so it's very difficult for them to post a comment like this and it not be taken as motivated by something other than a mere dislike of the "presentation".

29-05-2011, 05:45 PM
Wow. Bit tough Jason. LOL

29-05-2011, 05:51 PM
A bit harsh I know Chris, but the stupidity of people amazes me more very day!

Nothing to do with this particular show, person, or persons involved in this thread,
just in general. Edited above.


29-05-2011, 05:56 PM
I have nothing positive to contribute about this individual or his show so I will refrain. I have always been taught if you cant say anything positive just shut up.:D

29-05-2011, 06:00 PM
You're completely right there Jason. It's a wonder we've come as far as we have. :lol:

29-05-2011, 06:34 PM
Australias richest woman , mining magnate Gina Reinhart, as a new 10% shareholder in Channel 10 will be thrilled to have her mate Andrew Bolt on her station - she is a major climate change denier and funded the anti- climate change lobby group ANDEV.

29-05-2011, 06:38 PM
The great thing about television is that is driven by ratings.

If nobody watches it then it will be consigned to the bin.

If people watch it and like it, or make controversy over it, then more people will watch it to see what everyone is talking about, and it will stick around.

I think Mike by making your comments, you may have consigned it to the latter.:question:

29-05-2011, 06:51 PM
I wouldn't waste my time watching Bolt. There's a new Sci-Fi show on ABC, Saturday 8.30, called Outcasts. I watched the first episode last night - has promise. The tension around whether or not the newly arriving ship would burn up entering the atmosphere was kinda cool.

29-05-2011, 06:57 PM
Yep - the BBC is putting out some reasonable television these days. I quite enjoyed the first episode too. I hope that the BBC put the same effort into this one that they put into Spooks.

Sorry for the diversion....

29-05-2011, 07:05 PM
Me too. The last thing I wanted was to divert the thread away from Bolt :D.
In Outcasts, it was a bit sneaky how the put "Apollo" from Battlestar in the first episode to suck in an audience.

29-05-2011, 07:10 PM
Interesting how the cranky far left wont entertain any other view other than there own. Open your mind Mike, there are more realistic options other than OZ saving the world, and you aggressively trashing any opposing views to yours.

29-05-2011, 07:46 PM
The first episode of Downton Abbey is on tonight too... :)

29-05-2011, 07:51 PM
The point is if the people who deny climate change are wrong it is going to be a disaster but if the people who believe in climate change are wrong the world will have created new industries and new jobs in those industries. I think of the two extremes of wrong one we can live with and one we can't no brainer in my opinion:D

29-05-2011, 07:52 PM
It's interesting that this thread has stayed open longer than mine when I mentioned the dreaded word

"Carbon Tax"

sorry but we get the Govt we vote in but the leader can change on a whim bit thick isn't it when half the population vote on whether they like the leader or not

29-05-2011, 07:57 PM
Of course we will judge you Steve, just the same way we are all judging each other over this thread :lol:

29-05-2011, 08:04 PM
I'm guessing that most of you are watching Outcasts on ABC iView now cause I cant get a connection!!!! Too many people watching? :) :)

29-05-2011, 08:05 PM
Id never heard of Bolt until now, just had a look at his boat ppl rant on utube. 90% of Afgani refugies on wellfair 5 years later, really !!!!, IF and only IF thats true, WTF, you carefully dont hear that in mainstream press, 1st Ive heard that.

Putting aside the implications of that, IF its true, why isnt that little insignificant fact more widely broadcast, doesnt it matter?. Cant we have that info to decide if it does or not?.

Political correctness by hardcore bleeding hearts hell bent on one sided media control just makes peasents like me very suspicious of media generally. The likes of Bolt shouldnt be required, but thank christ they exist, however extreme they are.

29-05-2011, 08:12 PM
Fred the same reason the Govt pays refugees on welfare more in a year than a pensioner gets

it's not politically beneficial that we know the truth

29-05-2011, 08:16 PM
What a hoot Mike ... I've been wondering why he has been popping up on tv a little more of late .

Personaly I disslike all political claptrap equally , what I really find disturbing about this idividual is that for sure I understand If you give a Bigot a mouthpiece to peddle there views they will sell your advertising space equally to the washed and unwashed :thumbsup:

Down the line a little I don't understand why all social comentary
has to take such a political bias at every turn . .. both right and left
sides of the political spectrum seem as pathetic as the other imo >

29-05-2011, 08:25 PM
Isn't Bolt the other sides Phillip Adams:question::rolleyes:

29-05-2011, 08:44 PM

29-05-2011, 08:51 PM
Yes I heard it dealt with on ABC Radio National and its basically a load of crap.

29-05-2011, 08:53 PM
I work for the Govt and believe me it's not a myth in this country

29-05-2011, 09:07 PM
No, I dont want tricky links to Canadian Urban legends, loosely connected to australia , I want the actual figures for Afgan immigrant employment ratios after 5 years, given I think this is of some importance to ignorant ppl like me. If Bolt is dead wrong, then im happy, easy. Why is this data so damb hard to get?.

29-05-2011, 09:09 PM
There you go, the secret inside info. Why is it "secret inside info"?.

29-05-2011, 09:10 PM
Um, mods, I think it's time........

29-05-2011, 09:19 PM
Its not loosely connected:


29-05-2011, 09:21 PM
Simple answer Fred vote buying

thats why some Govt benefit schemes support the rich at the exepnse of the poor

now this can apply equally to all politcal parties so I'm not favouring one over the other

29-05-2011, 09:22 PM
Probably a good idea. This could get ugly :lol:

29-05-2011, 09:42 PM
Its not a good idea because it's not ugly and noones abusing anyone

29-05-2011, 09:59 PM
I know about this, it's trivial, don't care ,doesn't answer my question

29-05-2011, 10:23 PM
And if it was true, what is your solution?

29-05-2011, 10:27 PM
+1 and its 3 years old.
Dont know which side of the fence I will be perceived at with this comment, but dont care.
Proper current info would help towards a non biased opinion. Propaganda from either party should always be taken into account.
I dont like anybody grandstanding their point of view on tv( or any media for that matter), and as such, in my opinion, any documentary/reports/etc should be taken with a grain of salt.

29-05-2011, 10:39 PM
Get their a$$ in gear working then give the money to the oldies who need it. :thumbsup:

30-05-2011, 01:16 AM
This is what these type of shock jocks love turning mates against mates if we are all fighting because of what they say they just get more important. Don't let them turn you against each other united we stand devided we fall:screwy:. Then they sit back and egg us on and rake in the dollars they can't be successful without getting us to argue with each other

30-05-2011, 07:48 AM
I made no political refference at all Chris just pointed out the obvious pathetic , biased and uncredible format of the Bolt Report, that was all :thumbsup:...Marc however did make it political so why haven't you addressed that? (naughty Marc ;)).

There is no tip toing around the fact that some of us here are WAAAAY too serious :rolleyes: :lol:


30-05-2011, 08:01 AM
Oh please. Who posted in the first place and with what intention? No political reference? What utter nonsense. Yes we're serious - and you're not? Come on Mike - you keep doing this and then when it gets heated (by design) you dismiss us and opt out with just another Sidonio roll-the-eyes "joke"? Come up with something better and stop politicising if you don't want to get it back Mike. Pretty simple eh? ;)

30-05-2011, 08:09 AM
No need to make it personal Chris :eyepop:, missinterpretion of posts is not my fault:shrug:...I honestly mean no harm, it is 100% you that have politicised this, sorry.


30-05-2011, 08:11 AM
Oh dear. LOL I'm out of here. I'm not going to lose my IIS membership because of you. See you in Brisbane, we'll have a beer.

30-05-2011, 08:21 AM
...because of me??? :shrug:

Man the beer sounds good, I think we may have some missunderstandings to sort out :thumbsup: :drink:


30-05-2011, 09:18 AM
Chris - I think your accusation that Mike made a political comment is a red herring on your part. . I didn't see anything political about Mikes original post. He questioned the guys credentials and style. You made the thing political by attacking Mike because he knocked a guy who's politics you clearly align with. Its as simple as that.

30-05-2011, 09:19 AM
Polictical commentary on TV or radio is no better than the 'shock jocks' on radio. It is not there for our benefit, it is there because the media moguls hope to capture share.

Lets be realistic here. These shows cost a lot of money to make and air and if they can't make a profit then they are canned. If the producers (remember it is not the presenter) want the show to succeed then they will adpot whatever approach/subject/view they think will increase their share!


30-05-2011, 09:30 AM
I've deleted by original reply to you Mark because it isn't going to change anything - think what you like. All I'll say is that for anyone to state that that there was no political motivation behind the original post, and that no-one should or could assume that it did have is, at best, naive. Of course there was.

We're in a seriously silly loop. These subjects go nowhere. No wonder they are discouraged in this forum and I agree with that sentiment - as expressed in my initial reply. Given that, why are people allowed to test the water from time to time, full-knowing the probable if not obvious outcome? Hmmm.. now that's not too hard. ;)

30-05-2011, 09:52 AM
the fact of the matter is regardless of if you agree with Bolt or not he has his own show and it speaks to many people with a political persuasion which for all intent and purposes we shall say is to the right. Personally i have no problem with the show because at least it is animating people to act and become involved in the political discourse of our nation which can only be a good thing. If you don't agree with Bolt don't watch it simple as that ... the is Q&A on the ABC which i know a few people think is probably more left leaning then center or impassive (and lets be real here it is the ABC) then it claims to be (listen to the audience sometime when a Liberal party supporter speaks and compare to when a Green party supporter speaks haha) I am not saying that a TV show should be impassive it shouldn't particularly when that show goes out and says i am going to support this point of view ... its not a news program after all and doesn't pretend to be, its a commentary show.

As for global warming there are legitimate doubts about the actual effects that humanity is playing withing the scientific community, no doubt we are defiantly having at least a minor effect but if it is on the scale of planetary effects is still up in the air (after all 70% of greenhouse warming is caused by water vapor). The more important fact that many over look is that humanity is affecting the ocean with its carbon output within 100years the acidification caused by our sudden large release of Carbon will have made the top 300m of ocean too acidic for most forms of Crustaceans and mollusc's to form shells thus wiping them out and destroying global food chains that support ocean biodiversity and about 1.5billion human lives ... who cares about global warming when this is going to happen ... not might but will, unless we can remove carbon directly from the atmosphere.

30-05-2011, 10:07 AM
:eyepop::rofl:...any comparison between the Bolt Report and ABC's Q&A is absolutely preposterous, the two shows are in completely different leagues.

30-05-2011, 10:35 AM
time for some time out in the naughty corner - off you all go - thread closed