View Full Version here: : Ngc300

13-09-2010, 06:27 PM
This galaxy is very similar to M33 in the Northern Skies except nicer!

Taken over a couple of nights including Sat night which seemed to be quite good seeing and a very nice clear night.

Planewave CDK17, FLI PL16803, Paramount ME.

LRGB 220 50 50 50. 10minute subs, one hour of the Luminance was 20 minute subs and 2x2.



13-09-2010, 06:53 PM
Colors look really nice, plenty of deep detail too.

John Hothersall
13-09-2010, 07:09 PM
Lovely result with blues and red nebula and a tiny core - a gem galaxy, may try this myself soon.


13-09-2010, 09:40 PM
I like it! its verynatural and well framed

13-09-2010, 09:45 PM
Very nice Greg but I think it's got a bit more stretch in it yet - especially with 17" and some 20 min subs!

Cheers, Marcus

13-09-2010, 09:55 PM
Well done!
I had a go at it this weekend but first frame showed frosting in the STL so that was about it for the night...
next time
I'm inspired now!

13-09-2010, 10:41 PM
One thing noticable in all your first light images with this bigger aperture Greg is the crisp image scale, looks great, can't beat a big telescope :thumbsup:(don't tell Fred I said that :help:)

This is another fine looking image, be good to hammer those gradients though as they are taking the edge off. The 253 shot was pretty dam good, what did you do there?


13-09-2010, 10:44 PM
Those red hydrogen regions really show up well, and so many faint background galaxies as well. Great work.

13-09-2010, 11:29 PM
Great image scale Greg and the colours look good

14-09-2010, 08:08 AM
Beautiful shot Greg. Very natural colors and amazing details. :thumbsup:

14-09-2010, 09:08 AM
Thanks Clive, I was happy with this one.

It is a pretty galaxy. Its a bit unusual in that its kind of all stars and puffy for a galaxy. Like M33.

Thanks. There is minimal processing which is my preferred processing style if I can manage to gain the data.

I'll check that Marcus but I don't think so. The problem has been gradients and light pollution showing up as Mike pointed out. I am using GradientX Terminator and it does a good job. Also I cannot image to the east almost at all and need to wait until it is past the Meridian and zentih to west where my skies are quite dark. If I took this baby to Bigga - well...

Oh yes the frosting problem. I found with my STL though the dessiccant lasted a long time- like a year.

I won't tell Fred. Gradients is the problem Mike. It seems to pick up everything. Possibly a few subs are a bit too much to the east. The best subs were from Sat night with good seeing and scope going from Zenith to West but even then there were a few gradients. I may also put some tape on the Paramount's lights which are a bit bright. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but perhaps. NGC253 is simply a brighter object. NGC300 is rather faint like all galaxies. I am about to try out the ML8300 on this rig to see how that goes. The image scale with that will be real closeups on some smallish galaxies. NGC253 would not fit in the frame of the ML8300 for example.

I am happy with the performance of this scope and the round stars to the corners and the detail it is picking up. I'd like to do a 20hour job on something to see what it can do. I have about 11 hours of 6744 now. Plus I have about 16 hours of older data from other scopes.


Tom Davis
14-09-2010, 09:37 AM
As commented on another forum, wonderful image!


14-09-2010, 09:43 AM
Nice shot, Greg:)

Lots of detail and the colours are well balanced:)

14-09-2010, 10:19 AM
The images are looking great.
Where on Earth are you finding all the clear weather? Not fair!

14-09-2010, 10:56 AM
Thanks Tom. I took on board yr comment and Marcus's and brightened the image some more.

Thanks for that.

I occassionally get some clear nights. Its a bit like winning the lottery isn't it? Often the clear nights though are during the moon weeks!


14-09-2010, 10:59 AM
I've tweaked this image some more following a few suggestions.

I reread the GradientX Terminator tutorial and applied that. That helped a lot. A bit more manual gradient handling enabled the image to be brightened plus a bit of selective sharpening (not too much its more of a vague looking galaxy anyway).

So this is the result which shows more detail and a brighter, more enhanced galaxy.

I love this scope, its awesome. I'm starting to see how I need to process the images from it. Its different to my refractors.

