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03-09-2010, 05:22 PM
NYC sky-scrapers dim lights to help migratory birds

"A growing number of New York sky-scrapers are switching off their lights to help reduce the number of birds hitting the high-rise buildings.
The "lights out" project - organised by NYC Audubon - runs until 1 November, when migratory birds are expected to have completed their autumn migrations.
The Empire State and Chrysler buildings are among those dimming their lights.
An estimated 90,000 birds each year are killed in the city as a result of striking glass-fronted buildings..."


03-09-2010, 05:27 PM
I also wonder if they'll notice the other benefits too....like lower electricity bills (meaning less CO2 emissions) etc.

03-09-2010, 06:58 PM
That's something that really grind my gears ... all city blocks lit up all night in all major cities. I understand security risks with turning off street lights but c'mon! Do all those office blocks need to burn all night? Then they come around with their big talk about saving the planet and the carbon foot print guilty treatment? Why not start there before preaching to us? :P

PS:most gvt buildings coud be switched off because they're all home well before night comes anyway...

03-09-2010, 08:26 PM

fact, more b and E's happen during the day when people are not at home and the burgulars can see what they are doing

fact, street lights burning all night reduces crime is a falicy

less graffiti would occur if the vandals had to carry their own lights to see what they were doing

04-09-2010, 09:27 AM
So how did it all start...... Was it because of all the dead birds on the ground. OR (the one i wish it was) a building started turning off their lights at night to save money and power, and realized more birds flying in the sky?