View Full Version here: : Jupiter and six moons

30-09-2008, 09:51 PM
Hi All,

Jupiter seems to have grown some extra moons since I last saw it!!


30-09-2008, 09:54 PM
I remember asking the question whether stars ever turn up in photos of Jupiter plus four moons. I was told no, but it seems to be moving into crowded territory at present. I was fast forwarding Stellarium today, with FOV set on Jupiter and moons. The number of stars moving through the field and even being occulted over the next weeks was considerable, it seemed to me!

30-09-2008, 10:37 PM
Hi Eric,

I cheated and used my SBig ST10XME and a 0.75 focal reducer to get this shot. It was taken through the red filter as the clear bloomed Jupiter at minimum exposure.

Most people would be talking about imaging Jupiter with a webcam at 30 odd FPS and a 1/30th second exposure. This was using a more sensitive CCD and 0.1 second exposure. Still the dynamic range of the CCD is impressive, the shot is a composite of the same image, one stretched to show the moons and stars, the other at minimum stretch to show the planetary details, layered in Photoshop.


01-10-2008, 05:12 AM
heh yeh, I remember seeing a few background stars the other day when looking at the terrible seeing through the eyepiece as usual :)