View Full Version here: : Nina + vixen

04-03-2023, 03:08 PM
hello members just an FYI regarding outcome from my previous thread on NINA help and specifically regarding this platform and vixen / ss2k

firstly a big thanks to members shaun for meeting face to face to help us and adam for his suggestions on a possible solution

if any of our other members have a vixen / ss2k and want to use NINA, i found the ss2k driver in some sort of archive file at ASCOM

firstly go to the ASCOM download centre, then cick on the link on the first sentence at the start, 'ASCOM ghost and legacy drivers repository on github'
then go down and click 'telescope drivers' on the left and scroll down to 'vixen ss2k (6.1.7)

yet to try it in the field but everything looks ok

08-03-2023, 03:45 PM
Hi Pat, glad to be of help and thx for the coffee!!

There's also a newer version 6.1.8 from the ss2k in groups.io. But I thinkyou have to join that group to access their Files (https://groups.io/g/vixen-ss2k/files/ASCOM%20drivers) area.