View Full Version here: : Advice on a portable setup

13-01-2020, 09:13 AM
Hi all,

I am looking at creating a portable setup for my photography. I currently have a 750x150 Newtonian with an HEQ5 Pro Mount. So as you can imaging it’s very bulky to pickup and go with.

I have been looking at the William Optics range in particular the ZenithStar 61. That coupled with the Star Adventurer Pro or similar. Does anyone have a similar type setup or advise me on an alternative?

Appreciate any advice in advance


13-01-2020, 01:34 PM
I run a Star Adventurer with a 72mm scope.

On the plus side, it is easy to carry around, for example, I picked it all up from my driveway the other night and just plonked it down inside, i think all up it probably weighs in at under 10kg.

On the not so plus side (keep in mind, I dont have a HEQ5 yet), I dont think its that portable compared to running a HEQ5, personally, I still need auto guiding so I need a laptop so I need a power supply (80ah AGM that weighs about 15kg) and all the cables and such. It all fits in the back of the car but I think that would be the same as the HEQ5 really.

I think maybe the biggest change could be changing to the smaller scope, that might make a bigger difference then changing the mount.

If you wanted super portable, maybe a star adventurer with a dslr and shorter focal lens. I think as soon as you go much beyond 250mm, you will need accurate polar alignment (meaning guide cam and laptop or polemaster) and probably auto guiding.

Keep in mind these are just my thoughts from lugging my current setup out to dark sky site. Its all been very easy with very quick setup but I think if I added a HEQ5, it wouldn't change too much.


14-01-2020, 08:51 AM
Hi Chris,

I was considering that but I find even the HEQ5 a bit too bulky. I have become very good at setting up my HEQ5 because I can't keep it out in the open when at home so I have to set up and pack away every time I use it but it weighs a lot in total about 32kgs full setup including with current equipment. So matter how good I’ve become at setting it up it is still an hour minimum before I’m ready to shoot. The fact that you need to carry a battery pack with you also, it is another piece of equipment I need to carry with me. I know that it is not great for the environment but having small batteries that I can replace (Will buy rechargeable) is quite appealing.

I truly want to be, look at the sky at 6 pm make a decision, pick up my gear and stuff it in the car and go. Then set up and ready for shooting in 30mins tops when I reach the location.

Thanks for your thoughts