View Full Version here: : EVE Online

10-08-2016, 10:03 PM
I had a go at a trial subscription of 14 days and got hooked. It is a beautiful, complex, wonderful universe.

After a few months, I decided the EVE universe was sucking more of my time away from my own real universe so went "cold turkey" and gave up my much trained, worm hole burrowing character...:sadeyes:

So a year later, still keeping an eye on New Eden now and again, I got to watching the game again on YouTube (one boozy evening) and man...thinking of going in again.

It is like giving up the smokes!! :bashcomp::help:

Anyone else loving or hating the game?
Amarr Victor

11-08-2016, 12:15 PM
That game sings to me all the time. I had two accounts and loved the ships but never had the drive to really make something go in that game.

I'd love to play it but I'd just waste my life away playing it.

11-08-2016, 02:08 PM
I hate gaming as a rule but had a look out of morbid curiosity... phew! Better not go any further me suspects...:eyepop:

11-08-2016, 02:20 PM
The graphics look pretty awesome. I used to play Elite when it first came out in wireframe on amstrad computers and got hooked pretty bad. Something to sign up to when I'm retired or I'll never return to work again or even image when it's clear. :lol:

11-08-2016, 02:36 PM
I played Eve for a couple of years about 6 years ago but got bored with it. Then a couple of months ago I re-subbed again just to check out what it's like these days. Kind of the same but deeper and prettier, and it was fun checking out all the stuff I had stashed away in stations all over the place :D

If I had the time now days I'd probably play Elite Dangerous as I find it a bit more entertaining, though not as social due to the scale. I love that the whole Milky Way is represented and it's cool to try and reach targets I know and have imaged!
It's also awesome with the Oculus - the first proper game I've played with it that actually made the game better.

11-08-2016, 07:09 PM

Once it has you there is no escape.

I agree, the graphics and gameplay are fantastic, the new updates put dirt and skins on the ships too. It will take up many hours of trading and fighting, mining and exploration...i'm succumbing once again....

I liked Elite as a lad on the BBC Micro and hear Elite Dangerous is good. Hard to beat the online community of EvE though.


11-08-2016, 07:35 PM
My entire youth was spent playing Escape Velocity, EV Overide and EV Nova (what EVE was basically based on). Taking it that step further, my username (Atmos) is taken from EV Nova :P

In saying that, never got into EVE simply because when it came out I was studying and didn't have the time. Working full time and studying my Masters part time, who has time for EVE? :D

12-08-2016, 08:16 AM
I log in occasionally. not as often as i used to though.

13-08-2016, 10:15 PM
Never felt the call of EVE due to potential to sink a lot of time into it. Sunk a lot of time into X3 terrain conflict.

However, have just started on Elite Dangerous: Horizons,so far it's enjoyable

18-08-2016, 07:52 AM
Remembering good times using Ian Bell's links

Having played a few versions, the original (for me) is the pick, just for the memories of being 12 and awestruck at the gameplay and graphics. The shop was full of Dragon 64, Oric Atmos, ZX81 and Speccy, BBC Micro and Amstrad machines.

Would have fainted if I'd seen EvE Online back then :)

18-08-2016, 07:55 AM
:lol: The back of that ship looks very familiar. Must be burnt into my retina from having looked at it days on end.

18-08-2016, 08:12 AM
Yes, I know what you mean! Broken links on that page, for an instafix try this if you are bored at work...http://bbc.godbolt.org/?disc=elite.ssd&autoboot


18-08-2016, 09:47 AM
That game blew me away when I was like 10 years old in the 80s. I could never dock with the stations well though. Fortunately a friend of my dad gave me a save game that already had a docking computer. Was it the Blue Danube it played? :lol: I even made a little model of one of the ships out of balsa wood.

Fast forward 30 years and I can now walk around inside the cockpit in VR. If my 10 year old self could have seen that :eyepop:
Makes me wonder what Elite will be like in another 30 years :question:

19-08-2016, 10:48 PM
Dammit :bashcomp:

I have relapsed. Back in New Eden moaning about gate campers and the price of Scordite again :D

Now, where did I leave my Tristan...


20-08-2016, 12:52 AM
i've played it for years, its definitely a long term game..
if you play it as a solo player you will probably get bored of it pretty quickly, all the fun is in large null sec corps with lots of explosions :)

07-09-2016, 01:56 PM
Well, pretty momentous news from CCP..after 13 years, EvE Online is going "free to play" from November. :)

Not all the ships or skills will be available but you can certainly play forever on what is available. And you are of course in the same universe as the other 25000+ players still...

Resistance is futile....

