View Full Version here: : Can anyone help identify this snake?

10-04-2015, 04:07 PM
Found it dead on the driveway. Just wondering what it is. There's a yellow / orange band at the back of it's head. The belly was black. About a foot long at the most.

Don't see them very often here. About a year ago saw one about 60cm long on the same driveway but alive.

10-04-2015, 04:17 PM
Have a look at www.whatsnakeisthat.com.au (http://www.whatsnakeisthat.com.au) go to the Qld section and click on the region. There are a few that could be possibilities.

10-04-2015, 04:21 PM
Looks like a "red naped snake" ?, mildly venomous. I am only guessing though. Have a look here http://www.snakecatchers.com.au/index.php.

10-04-2015, 04:24 PM
Looks like the Gold Crowned or perhaps Dwarf Crowned Snake.
Both are small, mildly or weakly venomous. Short fangs. Cats often bring them in.

Gold Crowned 50-75 cm
Dwarf upto 35cm.

10-04-2015, 06:11 PM
Maybe red naped snake going by the pics. I've emailed a pic to the snake catchers to see what they say.

15-04-2015, 07:25 PM
I have copy of a paper presented to Veterinary Conference by Harold G. Cogger of the The Australian Museum, Sydney circa 1978. It is a very good Snake Identification Key. There are 15 pages.

I have scanned the document. .jpeg folder is 3.8 MB. PDF folder is 6.2 MB.

If you PM me an e-mail address I will forward your folder of choice.

Have never met a dead snake yet that I wasn't able to say, "Gotcha" to.

15-04-2015, 10:06 PM
We had a similar snake in the back yard a month or so ago, it was a White Crown snake.

16-04-2015, 09:04 PM
It does look like Cacophis of some kind (crowned snake). Weird thing is the colour... white crowned and dwarf crowned snakes have a band that joins up behind the neck. This looks like a white crowned, but with an orange collar. White crowneds are named as such because their collar is white.

I think the collar is thinner on dwarf crowneds so it doesn't look right for that either.

Golden crowneds are similar in colour but the marking is different because it doesn't join up in the middle. Strange one!

Doesn't look like Furina (naped snakes) to me. Looks like I can see some patterning on the labial scales and the build doesn't look right to me either, but pictures can be misleading...

16-04-2015, 11:00 PM
Mmm, thanks guys. A strange one it is. Only the second one I've ever seen actually.