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08-08-2006, 05:59 PM
Like the title says... it's on its way.

A new chapter in my 9.25 saga is about to unfold. I'm sure those of you who in recent days have followed the threads relating to my problem SCT will be watching what unfolds over the next few days/weeks with keen interest.

Particularly my C9.25 brethren:D

I was given a few options by ExtraVision as to what the next step would be.

Obviously, my existing 9.25 is being returned due to its poor optics.

Today, I was offered these options on the replacement scope/s:

"a Ronchi test to be done through Queensland Uni but it will take some time before they could get around to this job as they would have to get set up to do so and the scope would be placed in a queue behind other jobs they are doing.

I think it might be best to send the tube, see if your happy with it. If not get Celestron to test one and provide a certificate of the work done.

or I could hunt around for some else to see if it can be done quicker?"

Guys. I've opted for the second choice, minus, however, the Celestron option. Keep in mind they (QC) let my original scope leave the factory in the state it was in. The certification might not be worth the paper it's written on! (LOL).

A scope is being sent. I'll check it out with a Ronchi tester ep, seek a few second/third/fourth etc opinions and either keep it or send it back as well.

The alternative (testing up there) just wasn't worth thinking about. Anything up to a month before it was tested at QU. If that didn't prove satisfactory there'd be another wait for a new batch of 9.25s to arrive, and then more waiting in line to get those tested.

Can you imagine potentially how long it could take (worse case scenario) before I finally have a good scope?:scared:

ExtraVision has been good about the whole deal. I guess they should be, too.

They'll pick up all shipping costs. Allow me to continue to exchange until I'm satisfied. Will give full 2-year warranty on the scope I finally settle on.

What do you think?

08-08-2006, 06:13 PM
I'd be getting it tested by Celestron before they ship it(& receiving their guarantee on the lil' bit of paper) On receipt of the scope I'd be then testing it myself as well; as well as what you said, second third fourth opinions.

Just because you have their written guarantee doesn't mean its true.

Just my opinion.

08-08-2006, 06:45 PM

You've sort of agreed with me anyway. I will be testing it myself.

Like I said, if celestron let my original scope leave their factory in such bad nick, would you really place any stock in any test they claimed to have carried out and certified anyway?????

By rights, their testing should have caught that scope long before it made it onto the truck.

By the way, that option remains open to me. If it proves necessary I can return the next scope and get Celestron to test one before shipping.

But keep in mind, this is a company that argued the toss that any scope of theirs couldn't be faulty (optically) to the degree I was claiming, and that I didn't know what I was talking about:mad2:

I'm happy to try the option I'm taking, for the time being.

Let's hope the replacement's a goodun and I don't have to rely on Celestron's testing and their word for it:)

08-08-2006, 06:46 PM
Check to see when Damian Peach is picking up his next scope and get him to select one for you ;)

08-08-2006, 06:50 PM
Gee, that's an idea Paul:lol:

Wouldn't that be great, though?

08-08-2006, 07:18 PM
I wouldn't do this for the reason that they probably wouldn't take it back if you're still not happy.

08-08-2006, 07:54 PM
Exactly Geoff.

I'm happy that ExtraVision are willing to work with me on this.

For the time being, I'm feeling better.

I'd rather deal with someone here in Oz... than all the way around the other side of the world.:thumbsup:

Anyway, it felt like good news and I just wanted to share it with you all.

Let's leave it at that