View Full Version here: : Things should know when taking pic of comet?

23-01-2014, 11:14 PM
Hi all..

Hope got the right place of the post.

Just wonder what are the things I should know when taking pic of comet?

I have a telescope 150/750 , f/5, 600d unmod ..etc

I did some google search some suggest connect to telescope but some of them suggest without telescope..

I dont mind the close up comet or with night view/background as long as the pic looks nice..

Thanks in advance..

24-01-2014, 01:20 AM
It depends. Comets change size. When the comet is distant it will be small so then is the time to use your telescope. If the comet gets very large when close then you won't be able to fit it all in the field of view of your telescope, especially if it has a long tail. Then you only need an ordinary camera lens.

Your 150/750 F5 scope is very good for most comets.

24-01-2014, 02:03 PM
Also, since the comet moves against the field stars in a surprisingly short time, a good strategy is to either guide on the comet nucleus, or take very short sub-frames.
You can register the subs on the comet nucleus before stacking.

24-01-2014, 03:44 PM
Thanks everyone. Because I will go to some outback tomorrow and according to some websites I should be able to see Boattini and Jagar..

Thanks again

24-01-2014, 07:25 PM
Not easy objects either of those two. C/2013 V1 (Boattini) is around magnitude 14 and needs a 16" telescope to barely see it and 290p/Jager is about mag 12 and needs a 10" to barely see it.

You might have just a chance at photographing 290p/Jager but Boattini barely shows up on deep CCD images. Jager is also low in the northern sky.

Not many good comets around at the moment. C/2012 X1 (LINEAR) at mag 9 might just be visible low in the east just before dawn, along with C/2013 R1 (LOVEJOY) Mag 7+ in a week or so.

26-01-2014, 12:12 PM
Thanks.. no chance to see in Sydney anyway as covered by clouds in last few days...