Thread: Gstar-ex
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Old 15-02-2009, 12:17 AM
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jjjnettie (Jeanette)
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jjjnettie is offline
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Shucks guys
Neil, I can't praise the Gstar high enough.
It's one of the most versitile and sensitive astro cameras on the market.
So simple to setup and use in a variety of ways.
It doesn't matter if you use it with an Alt Az mounted scope or a GEM because the exposures are a maximum of only 2.56 seconds, so field rotation isn't a problem. This also means that your polar alignment doesn't need to be pedantically perfect.
You can mount it on a tripod with a cctv or camera lens attached for wide field viewing and capture of meteor showers.
If I am using my DSLR, I mount the Gstar piggy back and use it as a guide cam.
For public outreach nights, plug the Gstar into a 51cm TV and you'll wow everyone with awesome realtime images of DSO's.
The back up support is the best too. Go to the Gstar users group and see for yourself what others are doing with the camera.
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