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Old 06-08-2014, 12:44 AM
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Don Pensack
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Don Pensack is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 508
I hate to be a contrarian, here, but lens pens are just about the most common way eyepieces get scratched:
--they're only clean once, and from then on they're smearing oils and residue picked up from the last cleaning.
--they leave a powdery residue on the lens (don't believe me? look with a loupe)
--they drag dirt particles around and around on the lens.
You should not use a lens pen--ever! Unless you don't really care about scratches.

Use pure isopropyl alcohol and Q-Tips: blow off the dust with a blower bulb, make a spiral pass from the center out with a q-tip moistened with alcohol (couple drops will do it), then flip the q-tip over and repeat the pass with the dry end. Grab a 2nd q-tip and clean up any spots left on the lens.

After cleaning, check again. It's possible there's a scratch on the lens, and it's possible the eyepiece has some internal reflections. If, as you watch, a ghost image comes in opposite the bright image, crosses in the center, then exits the side opposite the bright image, it is probably an internal reflection sometimes referred to as "ghosting".
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