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Old 15-05-2007, 08:01 PM
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Space Anomaly

Calin is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Canberra
Posts: 63
You must be bored and me likewise, but I'm waiting for me 'egg to boil' so here goes.....

You would see nothing of yourself or possibly even the Earth.

Let's say for arguments sake the 'giant mirror' is the size of Earth or even Jupiter !

As the mirror relies on reflected light you would need a light source to generate the reflection. The Earth doesn't generate any light (part from artificial light we produce) the be reflected in the mirror the daylight side of the earth would need to be facing the mirror, in which case you wouldn't be able to use your scope to see yourself looking back as you would be on the dark side of the earth facing away from the mirror. Lets say for argument your looking at the mirror from the dark side, you wouldn't be able to see the earth at your location as it would be in the dark, unless you light yourself up to be seen on the dark side and the earth is a crescent shape (half light half dark). This is assuming that you could see this level of minute detail from that distance. The daylight side of the Earth maybe just a spec of off white, possibly grey ??

Apart from those practicalities, the light reflected back would have taken two years to get back to the Earth as pointed out by Erick, so you would be viewing the Earth as it was two years ago, not live. The light reflected from the mirror would reflect at the same scale ... at one lightyear distance we are a very small spec.

But since we are playing at a thought experiment and suspending reality to have a mirror the size of Jupiter, I guess you could suspend reality even more and see what you like in the mirror at any distance ... oh time's up my egg has boiled .....
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