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Old 18-06-2012, 07:24 PM
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cventer is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Posts: 957
Personaly I dont beleieve in light pollution filters. They impact your star colors and signal especially on some DSO's.

You are better off havign good full well depth and exposing longer , thne use processing to remove the skyglow and any gradients.

Its hard enough getting good signal without adding the need to have even more frames to compensate for a light pollution filter.

Just personal preference, but also based on experience with fainter objects from Bortle 6 skies.

I guess if you are in even brighter skies than bortle 6 then LPT may be neccessary , but at that poitn you may be limited to narrowband filters anyway.

Agree with other comments here. I would not suggest any kind of SCT for a beginner who wants to learn astrophotography. Buy a 2nd had ED80 or similar plus the EQ 6. learn the ropes on this, then go longer focal length if you want to.
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