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Old 11-02-2019, 03:47 PM
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Redeye is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Canberra
Posts: 11
I guess what we are looking for then is “functional sturdiness” in a tripod, based on some specifics around vibration damping and flexibility (wobble) of the tripod when supporting a specific load?

This leads to a conclusion that a tripod which may be “functionally sturdy” for one load configuration in one circumstance (no wind) might not be “functionally sturdy” with the same load when used in another circumstance (light breeze)?

The resultant of this being wobble and vibration which leads to blurry long exposures and lost or unusable subs.

This leads to the thought that it all boils down to what configuration you have, what you want to do with that configuration and how (long exposures or multiple shorter exposures), in what circumstances or conditions and what your tolerance for lost or unusable subs is?
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