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Old 16-01-2018, 03:14 PM
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sil (Steve)
Not even a speck of dust

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mostly useless tests. not all browsers support embedded profiles and render with their own. likewise not all image hosters leave your uploads alone. some resize and strip data to save storage space and increase download speeds. plus your ISP could be using WAN accelerators which could be storing a stripped and recompressed version of every image to enhance your browsing experience. Colour accuracy has never been a priority (we still have GIFs in common use). You cant control any of these things nor can you control if someone is using a colour calibrated display in a neutrally lit environment. Just control your environment and workflow, convert to srgb profile for export to jpeg for uploading and you've given others the best chance of seing what you see. if you want to test browsers, you just need to load the exact same page into different browsers side by side on YOUR screen and you'll see how posterised some photos become.
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