Thread: Alpy 600
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Old 18-04-2017, 04:27 AM
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robin_astro is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Posts: 73
Yes I have an ALPY 600. The ALPY 600 is a good starting point for a beginner if you are sure you want to do spectroscopy and are prepared to spend that sort of money but if you are not sure and want to spend less to find out if spectroscopy really is is for you then as Ken said the Star Analyser (which I developed) is a much cheaper (but significantly less capable, lower resolution) option.

The three modules are base module, guiding module and calibration module.
The ALPY base module is a complete slit spectrograph which includes a range of slit and hole aperture sizes. Realistically though it can only be used without the additional guiding module on bright targets. (by defocussing the telescope to enlarge the target sufficiently to be able to locate the target, place it on the slit and keep it there during the exposure.) For fainter targets, the guiding module (which includes a mirror slit, replacing the standard slit in the base module) is a must IMO. The calibration module is a luxury which makes life easier, particularly if you want to run a remote system. There are alternative much cheaper (though not as convenient) options for the flat and calibration lamp features in the calibration module.

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