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Old 21-02-2019, 04:10 PM
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Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
Posts: 16,931
Hi Julian
I spend cloudy time fixing preparing adjusting astronomy stuff and re processing☺

Actually I have other hobbies...paintjing, drawing, 6 string guitar and three string slide guitar.
I am not in one place long enoigh to have a vegie garden these Tabby two or three weeks and the Sydney two or three weeks.

I have looked onto a rotating system but oddly enough, although there is 100 acres, there is no room for a mast within reasonable distance from the house and I would not mount it on the house as it does get windy on top of the hill where the house is...
I was even going to set up one panel (an eighty five watt panel I now use to power my mount in Sydney) on an old mount (the one that is becoming THE BOJAN WIDEFIELD MOUNT) to do some tests ... but I am certainly convinced there is a benefit.
The set of panels yet to be installed I will set half up to face West and half East to catch more Sun without tracking. ..although not efficient I think there will be benefits.
As to the winemaker he was probably more interested in making wine☺...I must make a small proto type and see if it works.
The main problem I see at the moment (assuming the idea has merit) is how to suspend the plates from the top of the battery...they will weigh 10 kilos.
I have given that aspect a lot of thought and thete is no easy way to get around such a simple matter..but it is clear that the playes need to be suspended and not just held up on legs or mat.

Anyways ot still seems a neat project.

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