Thread: Orion so far
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Old 17-01-2020, 04:54 PM
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RyanJones is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Melbourne,Australia
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Thank you Carl, Alex and Lost.

Alex - I used to target something new almost every session but now I’ve slowed right down and can spend several sessions just trying to get the best data I can to work with. This can often mean a month on one target ( weather permitting ). Bortle 8 is hard, there’s no two ways about it but I believe with patience you can still get a half decent result. It just takes a lot longer. Thanks for the encouragement.

Lost - The framing idea came from the fact that my field of view wouldn’t quite allow me to get running man in frame too so rather than center M42, I thought I’d offset it so the star field on the right would provide some sort of reference in the image. I was quite happy with how it came out too. I’m glad you liked it.
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