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Old 11-04-2021, 06:05 PM
yoda776 (Matt)
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yoda776 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Posts: 277
Well, while I hear you Mike (and somewhat agree) I try to make the best of it. Moved house for kids and school a little while ago and found a place that is not as significantly affected by light. I used to let the neighbours know at the old place I was out the back to avoid the lights going on but eventually they just turned them on anyway and spotlight direct in my backyard. Most of the time the same thing - lights on but not outside to do anything which was very frustrating and inconsiderate. not really for security either as it was random.

I now have one that can do this in one spot, but mostly the backyard is darkish in southern Adelaide. We so have the Murray River Dark Sky Reserve but getting a chance to go there with work commitments, finding accommodation and then finding a spot can be a challenge. Last time I went up to a place that does not rain much and clearish a good portion of the time it was cloudy and rained which was a bit disappointing

On the other hand had a great night when the long eclipse occurred a couple of years ago in June - clear all night and some of the nest skies I have seen. We have to treasure those nights we can get out there and view what we can and take the quality of the sky as it is. Had a a great night in Adelaide and over a week of clear skies (usually around a full moon!) but my friend and I really enjoyed bopping around the Milky Way and enjoyed some good views. The best I get in my backyard is 20.12 on the SQM meter.

It is hard to educate people especially if like food with healthy options they seem more expensive or of no 'whats in it for me' benefit for the person being asked to consider the change. I know in a couple of towns in SA they have lobbied for better consideration of lighting with some success so I hear. Mind you other council areas they install lights that give you the impression it is day time.

Mind you the Flinders Ranges are something else to view a sky like that out there. Great memories and something to look forward to ...
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