Thread: Advice please
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Old 22-01-2012, 01:13 AM
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Waiting for next electron

marki is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 2,427
The SBIG ST-i is the way to go but there is a bit of a waiting list (took 6 months to get mine) as there was a problem with the tiny shutter mechanism. I believe they are now catching up with orders but it would still probabaly take a month or two to get one. The CCDOps program that comes with the camera is a bit spartan and I have mine working very well in MaximDL (although I had to update my copy to the latest version (5.18) for the camera drivers to be supported - must be ver 5.13 and above, I had ver 5.12, go figure). MaximDL offers the best allround AP program IMO with all the bells and whistles you could possibly want and then some. Camera, mount, guide, dome control, FW, focusers, processing, virtually everything is all combined in a single program. It is great for guiding as you can change things on the fly and the fine settings etc etc etc really let you nail your mount into doing what it should. I have never tried to mix it with "the Sky" which you will have to use to drive the PMX but there is a driver included for "telescopes driven by the sky" in the options list in the latest version (5.18), not sure about earlier versions, so it should play together nicely, in any case you are a bright lad, sure you will work it out.

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