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Old 19-12-2020, 09:04 AM
Startrek (Martin)
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Startrek is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Sydney and South Coast NSW
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I use the Jerry Lodriguss guide below for planetary imaging -

Focal Ratio for Lunar and Planetary Imaging

General rule of thumb to determine the “best focal ratio” of your image train for Lunar and Planetary imaging is -
Poor night of seeing 3.5 x pixel size of your camera
Average night of seeing 5 x pixel size of your camera
Good night of seeing 7 x pixel size of your camera

My Canon 600D pixel size is 4.3 uM
Poor seeing 4.3 x 3.5 = 15
So focal ratio F15 required
Average seeing 4.3 x 5 = 21.5
So focal ratio F21.5 required
Good seeing 4.3 x 7 = 30.1
So focal ratio F30.1 required

Therefore I mostly use my 4 x Powermate and 5 x Powermate on my 6” f6 and 8” f5 newtonian reflectors

Hope the above helps
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