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Old 20-10-2012, 02:23 AM
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alocky (Andrew lockwood)
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None of your subs will have only one or two or even zero signal counts per pixel. Each will have thousands, and it's unlikely that quantum effects are necessary to account for at the photon flux levels you need to form an image.
My point about stacking the same sub is to demonstrate that it is the noise that differs between the subs, not the signal.
Anyway - I've said enough.

Originally Posted by RickS View Post
Are we talking at cross purposes? I don't see the relevance of that to my argument?

Simple thought experiment: three photons arrive at a perfect single pixel detector at times t1, t2 and t3 where: 0 < t1 < 10, 0 < t2 < 10, 10 < t3 < 20. If we take a 20 second exposure then we capture 3 photons. If we take two 10 second exposures we capture 2 photons in the first and 1 in the second. We stack/sum the exposures and get 3 photons again. The two situations are equivalent and whether we stack or not has no influence on the outcome.

I'm happy to be corrected if my simplistic argument has holes in it...
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