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Old 11-08-2019, 08:37 PM
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Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
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I suppose one could go for five electric motors and replace this

Stop thinking what you or I can do let's think what could these clowns could do...all we save is wasted with their about being in a boat bailing water and some cool is there drilling holes...

If I did not have to travel back and forth I would love an electric car...covered in solar panels so when I went shopping once every two weeks or three weeks it would be charged right to go such that I could take up another hobby to use the time I save going to get petrol.

It is a pity that folk can't stop wringing their hands and wondering how to save the planet when the greedy irresponsible little boys playing trucks and cars won't grow up...what really is wrong with them.

Drag racing ..over in a couple of heart beats to waste resources... interestingly a decent engineered electric car should be able to out gun peterol or ethanol but they just do not go ..brooom brooom...hardley masculine if electric cars made big broom brooom we could see them gain popularity with the boys waiting to grow up.

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