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Old 15-10-2010, 07:55 AM
Alchemy (Clive)
Quietly watching

Alchemy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Yarra Junction
Posts: 3,044
What do you think about such an event, who/what would you like to see, would you like to present, would you come out to play, will it ever stop raining…
If you are talking astrophotography, ask jase for some ideas, he has been to several of the USA based workshops and I'm sure would have some good ideas for you

I think the biggest challenge would be finding the level that would appeal, unless you are already an astrophotographer it would probably bore you to tears, so that will limit the audience.

For a short lecture series I imagine an astrophotographer would present a single image with a how it was produced, starting with stacking methodology, initial processing, deconvolution,layering, etc and pitfalls of varios techniques.

I'm not sure if the imaging itself would be of interest, as just about every imager knows how to align his mount, and about shooting as many subs as possible, the real detail is in the processing.

Would I come out to play.... Perhaps if it was in Melbourne

Rain stopping ..... Apperently not until next autumn as you are now locked in to the el nina event and they usually maintain for that period at least.
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