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Old 10-11-2017, 08:04 PM
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Novichok test rabbit

LewisM is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Telstra tech arrived on time (shock of shocks!), and went straight to the cable entry point outside. Plugged in his phone thingy and computer to see the connected node, ran a diagnostic, and audibly exclaimed "$h1t". Said the wires on our side was fine, but the node was showing issues. He was gone for 2 hours or so, and came back and said he had changed over ports for us as the old one was suspect. He also said there was NO ADSL 2 infrastructure on the node at all, so we are stuck for "legacy" ADSL 1 until NBN descends upon us in a funk and gloom sometime next year.

Ran some speed tests - now 8.2 Mb/s (wow lol), but upload still craptacular 0.3. Ping time still same.

So far not a single drop out or time out. VERY solid connection so far.

Knowing Telstra, the port we were on was probably over-sold.
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