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Old 07-11-2019, 10:37 AM

JA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Originally Posted by Sunfish View Post
I have two 800mm side by side attachments to a vixen dovetail, a 3.5 kg refractor with lrgb astro camera and guider and a 3.5kg Nikon Ed 800 lense with dslr. Seems to work , surprisingly , guided to 4min on the HeQ5 and I have combined the images just for interest. I think I need to add an aluminium plate 6-8 mm to stiffen the top of the vixen bar but if it is not pushed it seems fine.
Hi Ray,

That's definetly worth doing, or you could go for a more seamless solution: a wide-top vixen bar. I've seen a few so it's made by various manufacturers, there is an example (90mm wide and 290mm long- too short perhaps??) in the image below, from ...

Originally Posted by Sunfish View Post
The torsion vibration on the bar could be an issue with three of those. I can post an image if you are interested once the painters have left my house. I would be interested to hear how you would combine images.
If doing OSC from three DSLRs then I would probably somehow route the images to separate folders, perhaps with multiple instances of control software running or use multiple camera mode in Digicamcontrol, (albeit with a more limited control set, that I've yet to delve in to in detail). Since they are "identical" lenses, imaging the same piece of sky, in the first instance I would simply try to stack them in a photo-stacking app and take it from there. That may be oversimplifying things as there may be some differences in lens vignetting or dust spots etc, that one might want to control with flats, etc... some testing would be required.

If doing Narrowband, control as above and stack images from each camera's folder to create Ha, OIII, SII masters and then combine by normal techniques and to taste in photosoftware. Of course the narrowband from DSLRs could be somewhat compromised, compared with mono, but hopefully a large sensor can ameliorate that somewhat). One of my Nikon D800 cameras is modified so that could be used for the Ha image or use a multi-narrowband type clip in filter (STC or similar).

That's the thinking so far, but the proof is in the application. I'm sure there will be many things to work around as far image capture is concerned, including multicamera control and dithering. Anyway it's something to keep interested with.

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Click for full-size image (WO Wide Long Vixen Dovetail Plate.jpg)
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