Thread: Orbs!
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Old 12-03-2012, 10:38 AM
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Screwdriverone (Chris)
I have detailed files....

Screwdriverone is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Kellyville Ridge, NSW Australia
Posts: 3,306
I find it strange that only when there is a flash used that there is a picture of an "orb"......funny that.....

My wife "sees" things every now and then out of the corner of her eye and is quite spiritual, I find it amusing when she snaps away and "captures" an orb and then proceeds to tell me its proof of something......I just nod and say, "yes dear"

I sometimes flick past Fox 8 where there is a "Ghost hunter" show running, its funny bit a little bit sad to watch all the "scientific" equipment like FLIR cameras etc used to capture nothing and then turn it into some sort of conspiracy or "the truth is out there" rubbish when there are NO results to be had on ANY show that I have seen, yet the "hunters" waffle on in the credits talking about how much of a good "result" they got in their investigations and how they "explained" the situation to the client.......its quite sickening to watch.

Each to their own I suppose....


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