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Old 12-07-2019, 09:01 AM
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RussellH is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Sunny Queensland
Posts: 172
To Barlow, or not to Barlow, that is the question...

So now that I’ve decided on an f6 6” Newtonian scope (900mm focal length), one of my considerations is how Effective it may be at getting some sort of planetary images. I know it’s not made for that, and somewhere down the track (a long way probably) I may get a planetary scope.

So in the meantime, as I’m just about out of money for my new setup, I’m wondering whether a cheap Barlow of some kind will give me any pleasure at least visually, even if not for imaging. Something like a Powermate is out of my price range at this stage and would probably be low on the priority list of things to get for the immediate future. So it’s either a cheap Barlow, or nothing.

Any thoughts?

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