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Old 01-04-2020, 12:16 PM
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mental4astro (Alexander)

mental4astro is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: sydney, australia
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Glen, yes those scopes are beyond the price of the average Joe, but they are mentioned to illustrate examples to questions that have been asked.

As for the average Joe thing, I am not one to push only $$$$$. I certainly am aware of needing to respect the budget of EVERYONE who participates in astro. But I do feel it is necessary to express what potential pitfalls there are to buying BOTH cheap and expensive. Buy cheap, and you will be accessing thousands of pages to "fix" stuff that shouldn't need fixing if designed and built appropriately - not a major problem if you are a tinkerer, but not everyone is and this can lead to frustration and disappointment. I do have a GSO solid tube Newt in my personal collection, but it is heavily modified exactly because of the shortcomings. Read through my many posts here on IIS and you will find I readily offer help on how to remedy many of these problems.

Buying $$$$$ is no guarantee of a trouble free experience either. All scopes are highly technical things (mechanics and optics, mounts, housing, etc), and these all need considered attention too to produce good results.

And I sincerely hope that these GSO Cassegrains do perform optically as hoped. I honestly would love to put one of these 10" Cassegrains through its paces! And if they stack up then blooming brilliant! I would hate to ever become a Brand Snob. Just don't be under any illusion that you will be getting overall Questar quality on a GSO budget.
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