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Old 27-07-2017, 12:14 PM
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sil (Steve)
Not even a speck of dust

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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Canberra
Posts: 1,474
This is a user and computer problem, Ie the former hasnt a clue how to use the later. Your computer is infected with viruses and malware. Dealing with sort of stuff has been part of my job for decades and its easy to tell a mile away, even if they say "i have nortons installed". Especially if you've installed even the single tiniest piece of pirated software then uninstalled. The first install you do gives the installer admin rights to perform the install, as is normal, but if someone has messed with the installer/ keygen/patcher before you downloaded it then it can do anything it likes because you've allowed it the rights to do so, typically it starts with a small opening in your security and it can then download more things and install them on its own n turn giving everything it install admins rights too because it no longer needs your permission. Learn good computing practices, be proactive in having a clean secure system but don't complain stuff is crashing. Because ultimately you did something to start the ball rolling, regardless what anybody claims.
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