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Old 18-10-2019, 09:51 AM
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The Observologist

ngcles is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Billimari, NSW Central West
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Hi Bobby,

Originally Posted by Bobbyoutback View Post
Pleased to know you approve these , a question ?
The offset needed for perfect collimation can not be done with just a laser collimator can it !

Offset collimation really only achieves one thing over and above centre/centre collimation and that is to make the 100% illuminated field perfectly circular. Without that offset is is slightly oval in shape. The difference is really pretty slight and I have never really seen the need to do it myself. "Centred" collimation provides just as perfect an image in the eyepiece save for the non-circular 100% field. It is however more important if the telescope is used for imaging or photography. It is best achieved with a sight tube/Cheshire or an un-barlowed laser.

I recently bought a high-quality Tublug barlowed laser collimator myself, not because it does a vastly better job, but it does make it quicker and simpler -- particularly when the focuser and the collimation knobs are about 3 metres apart and two or three steps up a ladder. Much more often than not I'm alone when setting up and observing with my telescope. The barlowed laser means I can stand/squat at the back and adjust the bolts and see the result in real time as I move the primary. I don't need to shuttle back and forth between the top end of the 'scope and the bottom as the adjustments are made and checked.

But I still keep my Rigel as a back-up, just in case the battery fails (it is a rechargeable).



Last edited by ngcles; 18-10-2019 at 10:15 AM.
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