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Old 08-05-2017, 12:51 PM
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sil (Steve)
Not even a speck of dust

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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Canberra
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I don't think you'll get too much of a noise reduction. Start with what you've taken in the past, if ambient 40C the noise is bad in summer but winter ambient of say 15C its ok it may be worth playing with modifying a small esky you can house your camera in and cool its interior, but don't rely on results approaching the specs on a peltier. Its harder than you think to remove heat. But aim for an airtight housing where you can reduce the interior air considerably and see how you go. I started with a cheap usb drinks cooler which did cool its housing but not a drink sitting in it for days.. I dismantled and attached the peltier directly to my zwo and it works great but yes you get condensation to deal with. If you attach directly to the body of the camera you will create condensation inside the camera. hence the previous suggestion of dry air or argon. you're essentially commiting the dslr to a permanent setup state for astrophotography only. Don't forget as soon as you turn the camera on its generating heat straight off just doing nothing. The finger method is the best way to keep this at bay.

As for the image quality improvement? Dont know if itd be noticeable in the end.
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