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Old 12-03-2015, 07:29 AM
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Originally Posted by codemonkey View Post
What I mean by "yellow" is a filter that has a bandpass of say 480 - 700nm, and for "purple" I mean a filter that has a rejection band of say 480 - 600nm.

You can roughly estimate a similar process by:

1. Stack all RGB to create a synthetic L
2. Stack all RB to create a synthetic purple
3. Subtract the synthetic purple from the synthetic L

The output of the above operations should match your G stack. You can try it yourself using Pixel math in PixInsight if you have it.

Of course that would work but I think
there is a signal to noise advantage in using 3 filters for colour -
in most cases RGB - just like the S/N advantage using narrow band Ha.
I notice that my RGB stacks have a better FWHM value than the L stack if they are both binned 1x1.

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