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Old 24-04-2020, 10:21 PM
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lazjen (Chris)
PI cult member

lazjen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Flaxton, Qld
Posts: 2,064
I'd agree with avoiding the laptop if you can - or to have that as a completely separate view platform. Also, they tend to generally suck with number of USB ports and the power handling on them. Normally you have to do some hoop jumps in Windows, for example to stop USB issues.

As for the NUC or the other options, how do you plan to control it (as in log into it/view a screen)? A display of some form will draw power as well.

Personally, I think a NUC will be better overall. For example, plate solving, if you want to use it, will be faster on the NUC.

Also, I wouldn't be worried about whether it's Windows or Linux you use, more the software on top that you want to drive things. Again, I'd lean towards Linux/INDI personally.
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