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Old 23-05-2011, 12:55 PM
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renormalised (Carl)
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Originally Posted by overlord View Post

I don't LIKE when people heap stuff on my astrology. It makes me shake with fury cos i have investigated this VERY in depth and am talked down by people who only have a passing interest. How DARE you. I am flouncing from this forum for one week in protest. But I will leave you with the notion of how synchronicity works:

Synchronicity makes even the things we read in newspapers, VERY relevant to our lives:

As for the moving sun idea... that is for the more quantifiable form of astrology... The earth orbits, not the sun, but the center of mass... the sun shifts away from the center of the solar system when planets line up so weather on earth becomes more extreme. It's not pseudoscience at all! It's NEW SCIENCE! GOODBYE!
Once more, all I hear is unsubstantiated nonsense. Actually, I have no interest at all in your astrology, let alone a passing interest. Why?? Because for the last 400 years science has shown that astrology is nothing more than the deluded fantasies of fools who want to persist in believing in fairies under the toadstools or in some outside influence which magically has something to do personally with them and their banal lives, or has some influence over the world at large. I DARE to question your logic and your understanding, even your education, simply because I have actually spent the time (and a good deal of money) getting a scientific education as well as a broad understanding of many fields (let alone science). Plus, I have the practical experience to back myself up, which is more than I can say for yourself since you've apparently spent the last 11 years with your head in God knows what books at university. Oh, and as for not having read about it all, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have a great interest in many things "paranormal" and I am not as "narrow minded" as you have thought. Far less so than you could even realise, actually. However, I don't go off into cloud cuckoo land with it. Nor do I make unsubstantiated claims based on little or no evidence, circumstance and coincidence or wishful thinking. If you were the scientist that you claim to be, neither would you. Since you have, through your posts here recently, shown that this is not the case, then what you say has little or no relevance to any discussion of scientific theory whatsoever. It's nothing more than psycho-babble and misguided ramblings. Please, keep your thoughts to yourself.