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Old 23-02-2019, 12:02 PM
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RyanJones is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Melbourne,Australia
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Indeed you are right about the 90 odd billion ly size Alex. This wiki though also moves to support the premise of my point regardless of the actual "size". It talks about a diameter. Diameter being defined as " a straight line passing from side to side through the centre of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere " which directly suggests a central point of origin. Now to make that measurement, a central point needs to be defined. As we are the observer, the propostous and arrogant assumption is that that central point is us. And yet if expansion is correct, it is happening everywhere and no matter where it is observed, it is constant. So if we were somewhere else in the universe, it would appear the same. This leads to the idea of infinity. As you illuded to, infinity is not possible if it is presumed to be from a singularity ( single point of origin ).

I think this leads to what you were saying about these ideas being the limiting factor of cosmology. The only the way as, human beings, that we are capable of communicating these concepts is with current definitions such as diameter, time, volume, mass, velocity etc... Which despite being great to communicate ideas between one another, are all simply human constructs to that end. That need to define in order to communicate is the limiting factor at the very point of definition.

I'm not a religious man myself but the idea that a god exsis and is the creator of everything is actually no more propostous than any other idea. Despite all the scientific " measurements " of all that exsists, even these therories are subjective to the observer. It is quite arrogant of us to assume that we are even capable, with the senses we possess, to observe and difine everything that exists. Even exsistance itself is subjective to the observer.

It is no wonder then that no matter how hard we try to define the universe and its size, mass, contents..., we will always find something that doesn't add up. The earth was flat until it wasn't, the sun revolved around the earth until it didn't, we were the centre of the universe until we weren't and the universe is what we think it is now until it isn't.
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