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Old 01-10-2010, 11:16 AM
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astroron (Ron)
Supernova Searcher

astroron is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Cambroon Queensland Australia
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Observation Report 30/09/10

I set up at about 19:30 sky was lovely and clear after such a long time.
I had a look at the usual pretty pictures such as Jupiter a bit fuzzy but still quite pleasant, then onto Uranus and Neptune, also took in the dumbbell (M27) and M71 Globular cluster in Sagitta before doing the Sue French "Deep Sky Wonders" "Splashing Around the Dolphin". AS&T October 2010.
there are some really challenging object in in this constellation but was able to observe most of them , a couple of the PGC and UGC objects escaped detection as the seeing was not the best.

UGC11590B and NGC 6930 where only seen with averted vision.
NGC 6928 was easy at 302xmag with the 6mm Radian, but NGC 6927 was only just glimpsed.
The Globular Cluster NGC 6934 seemed to be elliptical with some quite bright stars on the periphery. it has quite a dense core but was able to resolve quite a few stars as the seeing would allow.

I then attacked NGCLes's 'Spring Barred Spirals" from same issue.
First cab of the rank was NGC 7424, This galaxy is quite large with a bright nuculus and large defuse outer spiral arms, this surely is a must for better seeing.
NGC 1232, even though still quite low was still quite a sight in high mag.
Ngc 7479 in Pegasus, the bar was quite bright but the arms where not very defined .
Intermittent clouds interupted the rest of the night but waited around till Comet P103 Hartley2 cleared the horizon, at only 8.9 deg above my horizon I was sitting on the ground to observe it.
It is very Star like, quite bright in a 15mm eyepiece, no sign of a tail, but it was still in the haze of the horizon,so it was not a good observation.
I just packed everything away when it started raining
Phew! that was close

Last edited by astroron; 09-10-2010 at 01:03 AM.
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