Thread: Buz Aldrin....
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Old 13-08-2019, 06:10 PM

JA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
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Irrespective of whatever his religion may be he was being verbally assaulted at close quarters. One would have to be a fool to not expect a response at a conscious as well as sub/unconscious level via the sympathetic nervous system. It is not OK to put an aged person under such obvious strain, irrespective of what you think of his efforts on the moon or his religion.

A verbal assault of that kind will easily cause a flight/flight response, increase in heart rate, increase in blood pressure, release of stress hormones (cortisol etc..), raise the risk of stroke and heart attack, etc, so in actuality the "reporter's" actions, close quarter aggressive questioning and highly emotive /insulting language was not only unprofessional (if he is indeed some sort of reporter) but he is putting the sympathetic nervous system of a 90 year old under considerable stress. To me that is an assault, which he is entitled to defend himself against. I suspect the best thing was to end it immediately, which Buzz did.


Last edited by JA; 13-08-2019 at 06:21 PM.