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Old 09-10-2011, 08:46 AM
Alchemy (Clive)
Quietly watching

Alchemy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Yarra Junction
Posts: 3,044
Cooling of CCD cameras, what temp do you use and why?

Long title, but pretty much what I'm interested in.

I've got myself a qhy9 which has quite a range for cooling, I started at -20 as I figured it could be used all year round, and then a set of calibration files would last longer. ( extra question how often do you replace calibration files), there is still some noise when it's stretched, more than my qhy8 but it's also more sensitive so I guess that evens it out.

So..... Is there any benefit in going lower, and I mean real benefit as opposed to theoretical. And where do most of you prefer to set your cooling?
If there is a noticeable benefit I would be tempted to go there, the other option might be longer subs so signal overrides noise..although there has been some comment regarding bloated stars on this chip (I went from 20 min to 10 min so I can go back that long for dimmer targets)

Thanks for your input

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