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Old 14-05-2015, 12:48 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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Its often an issue that hubs fail to connect on power up. It seems a weak point of pcs.

Usually a power on off cycle and shut down the software and reopen it once the power is back on to the device helps.

Next gradient is to turn the computer off and on.

If still no go then reload the driver.

Making sure all the plugs are snugly in.

I found the driver SX gives you is no good for 64bit. The older 64bit block IO works but not their latest one. I found that out the hard way wasting several hours trying to get my SX Trius to work on my 64bit laptop even though I had it working once before in the past.

Last time I used it I had that type of error. I then reloaded the block IO driver and it all went well. You do that through Control Panel, USB devices.

Touchy stuff.

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